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What is Paint Brush

 What is Paint Brush
What is Paint Brush A graphics program that enables you to draw pictures on the display screen which are represented as bit maps (bit-mapped graphics). In con…
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PAGE SETUP - This option is used to set page, merging, orientation etc. इस विकल्प का प्रयोग पेपर साईज, पेज मारजिंग, ओरिएन्टेशन इत्यादि को सेट करने के लिए प्रय…
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File Menu

 File Menu
File Menu new- This option is used to create a new file of any name. इस विकल्प का प्रयोग नया फाईल को बनाने के लिए प्रयोग करते हैं। open- This option is used t…
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What is Notepad ?

 What is Notepad ?
What is Notepad ? Notepad is a common text only (plain text) editor. The resulting files typically saved with the .txt extension have no format tags or styl…
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User Account

User Account
User Account in Windows OS English: A User Account in Windows OS is a personalized profile that allows an individual to access and use the computer system.…
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Keyboard This option is used to replace and reduce the speed of the cursor when typing by the keyboard, to change the rate of repetition, repeat delay, curs…
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Mouse This option is used to change the left click of the mouse in right click and right click in left click, and to change mouse speed, pointers trails, do…
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Screen Saver:

 Screen Saver:
Screen Saver: A screen saver is a picture or animation that appears on the screen when you haven't used the mouse or keyboard for a set period of time. Yo…
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Desktop Gadgets:

 Desktop Gadgets:
Desktop Gadgets: Desktop gadgets are customizable mini-programs that can display information, such as continuously updated headlines or a picture slide show, …
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Personalize / Display

Personalize / Display
Personalize / Display This option is used to change themes, background, screen saver, appearance etc. as your requirement. इस विकल्प का प्रयोग कम्प्यूटर के ड…
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Control Panel

 Control Panel
Control Panel ?  The Control Panel centralises access to Windows’ multitudinous settings. From the Control Panel you can adjust and tweak Windows’ appearanc…
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Search? This option is used to search any files and folders as your requirement. Although you can open a separate Search window, one of the easiest ways to…
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About Run

 About Run
About Run This option is used to Run any (.exe) executable program. Such as: Cmd, Winword, Excel, Powerpnt, Mspaint, Notepad,Calc, Charmap, Pm65, Photoshop …
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Log Off Computer

 Log Off Computer
Log Off Computer This option is use to close all opened programs and change the user account from one to another. When you log off from the computer, you cl…
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Restart Computer

Restart Computer
Restart Computer  This option is used to restart your computer after installing a new program or if your system face  hanging problem then immediately restart …
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Turn off Computer

Turn off Computer
Turn off Computer This option is used to close all programs and turn off your computer. इस आप्शन का प्रयोग सभी ओपेन किये गये प्रोग्राम को बन्द करते हुए कम्प्…
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Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin When you delete an object, Windows 7 sends it to the Recycle Bin. You can restore objects that are located in the Recycle Bin or you can permanen…
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